The “Bacchagator”

This is more or less where I stood for Bacchus, and the long float is the Bacchagator. I love the torchlit night parades, with knights on horseback and everyone so well masked that they look like magical beings. Axé.

Honor Societies

When I graduated from college I was elected to Phi Beta Kappa and I accepted, because it was prestigious. I did not expect to join another honor society but at this university I have been invited to several and have essentially had to say yes since not to do so would be impolite / because … More Honor Societies

Ry Cooder

This is a film I should see for the music and so as to be able to comment upon the representation of Louisiana – hard to do on film in a non caricatured way – but it is also surely a film which would fill me with angst. On a related note it seems I … More Ry Cooder

Dans ta map

Mardi Gras if done right is marked by fascinating chance encounters and new combinations. This is Montreal rap, and if you know what “dans ta map” means in slang, please enlighten me! Axé.