The next step

It is to talk about work, my history of work. Relation to self in work, relation to family in work. Education, Reeducation, work, identity, right to exist. This is a broader topic than I am covering in this post. This post is about research. There is a way in which my entire academic problem is … More The next step

O Trovador

Sentimentos em mim do asperamente dos homens das primeiras eras… As primaveras de sarcasmo intermitentemente no meu coração arlequinal… Intermitentemente… Outras vezes é um doente, um frio na minha alma doente como um longo som redondo Cantabona!  Cantabona! Dlorom… Sou um tupi tangendo um alaúde! De Paulicéia desvairada (1922) Mário de Andrade Axé.

La voix

I always said the problem I had after Reeducation was loss of voice. And earlier on, it had apparently been difficult to get one. Someone once told me that all those sore throats I used to get as a child–it was my stress reaction–were a sign that I had something to say that I was … More La voix

Très nouveau

Just when I thought I would never be able to work on this topic without being so engulfed in various aspects of panic and claustrophobia that I would always be forced two steps back for each one forward, the panic stopped. It used to be that I would be panicked already, and the panic would … More Très nouveau