Good prose

I discovered a blog with really good writing and then realized it is, in addition, from New Orleans. I am serious that this person can write and is more interesting than many writers who are packaged and famous. Axé.

Yes, I am a slow writer … but I will be faster

The darker side of mestizaje When before the Congress of Angostura Bolívar proposes to shape nations by mixing the “diverse blood” of the new citizens (1819), he makes a double gesture. The new nations are conceived in racial terms and at the same time situate themselves, at least at the level of public discourse, beyond … More Yes, I am a slow writer … but I will be faster

Shenaz Patel

Le gardien du port connaît bien Charlesia. Elle passe régulièrement devant sa guérite et se dirige vers le quai. Elle scrute l’horizon, dans l’attente vaine d’un bateau qui la ramènera dans son île natale. Diego Garcia n’est plus qu’un souvenir, la nostalgie douloureuse d’une vie simple rythmée par la production de Coprah, les jeux des … More Shenaz Patel

Old Boys

External review may not really be external. I feel like a character in a narcocorrido but I might just be viewing an old boys´ club. Axé.