Continuing with that paper I had sketched out in longhand

The notes are fragmentary, but the question was, what do these novels mean? I was suggesting these novels present state projects that do not resolve the questions of race and slavery, and are in fact designed not to do so. The Latin American subject is the one who is going to remain in this limbo; … More Continuing with that paper I had sketched out in longhand

A paper on Sommer and da Silva I had sketched out in longhand

And I won’t reproduce it all here. Point 1 was that Sommer says romance makes nation, but the families in the novels she discusses aren’t stable; they’re unhappy, disintegrating, and so on. Family is not peace and conciliation. Examples: Ma.: ella muere y Efraín se va a la nada; C.V.: los personajes mueren y las … More A paper on Sommer and da Silva I had sketched out in longhand

Sartre sur Memmi

PRÉFACE DE JEAN-PAUL SARTRE Le Sudiste seul a compétence pour parler de l’esclavage: c’est qu’il connaît le Nègre; les gens du Nord, puritains abstraits, ne connaissent que l’Homme, qui est une entité. Ce beau raisonnement sert encore: à Houston, dans la presse de la Nouvelle-Orléans et puis, comme on est toujours le Nordiste de quelqu’un, … More Sartre sur Memmi