And So

All literature is foreign somehow, and all foreign literature, or literature written in foreign languages, and literature from other eras, is more foreign. The feeling of being in a struggle with someone else for — you, over you. The feeling of having to explain yourself, again and again. The feeling of having to explain really … More And So


The weather has been endlessly beautiful, and I have not taken advantage of it, but I have noticed it most acutely, and it is the weekend, and we must sing. Axé.

Prince Far I

It is sunny, and it is the weekend, so we must sing. The most important thing you can watch, though, is Robert Fisk on Iraq, and it is why I wish to emulate Robert Fisk, and I would rather be Robert Fisk than a professor. Axé.

On Boasting

Are you aware of the trope in which people say they went to their exclusive graduate program because they did not know what else to do? It is true of many to some degree, especially if they started at a young age; saying “I did not know what else to do” often means something more … More On Boasting

La Valentina

Valentina, Valentina, yo te quisiera decir que una pasión me domina y es la que me hizo venir. Dicen que por tus amores un mal me va a seguir, no le hace que sea el diablo yo también me sé morir. Si porque tomo tequila mañana tomo jerez, si porque me ven borracho mañana ya … More La Valentina

Charles Baudelaire

A UNE DAME CREOLE Au pays parfumé que le soleil caresse J’ai vu dans un retrait de tamarins ambrés Et de palmiers d’où pleut sur les yeux la paresse, Une dame Créole aux charmes ignorés. Son teint est pâle et chaud; la brune enchanteresse A dans le cou des airs noblement maniérés; Grande et svelte, … More Charles Baudelaire