Latin Americanism

I have finally ordered Alberto’s book, and we will find out what I think of his story. In the meantime, I never read his whole schtick on Latin Americanism. Perhaps now I shall. It’s The Cultural Practice of Latin Americanism and it’s in three volumes, and it started in Dispositio. There’s an article I’m recycling … More Latin Americanism


I am having a difficult time with that organization because it was to be secular and political but it is in effect Christian and charitable. Those are very different things. People do not believe me, but they are. “We are pursuing the same goals.” Are we? They are fundraising to help people, and they are … More Gap


This group is a non-profit but it depends upon the work of one member who thinks of that work as a way to live. They would like salary, and they have referred to us as a business. They are already getting reimbursed for mileage at the IRS business, not charity rate because they wanted to … More Why


How many countries have you spent Christmas in, besides the United States? I am thinking of this. Let me try to see: Spain (once), Denmark (once), Morocco (once), Mexico (once), Brazil (three times), Guatemala (once), and Chile (once). I think this is all. Axé.

Neoliberal or postmodern things, and the past of the present

It was in 1964 that the Supreme Court of the United States ruled to allow prisoners to sue on prison conditions. The nation-state cannot tolerate multi-ethnic populations, and this is why there is so much effort toward homogenization. Empires, on the other hand, are easily multi-ethnic. We are currently supposed to say that online courses … More Neoliberal or postmodern things, and the past of the present


I went to get that book from the library and it was there, along with two books of interest I had heard of and one I had not, so I checked out all four. It was amazing. This paper is not in my field, but in a field the university supports, and I feel like … More Support

Poetry reading

I read at our book launch last night and I am a good reader. Part of it of course is that my translations take advantage of the music of the English language, so they are easy to read well. I was also the interpreter for this bilingual event. I am good at this as well, … More Poetry reading

Signature line

Pronouns: I have a gender neutral name for a reason, suckaz, and I resent this question. I am, however, a woman, and I have never doubted it. People who see or know me say she/her. When people don’t see or know me, and assume I may be he/him, I like it. Who doesn’t enjoy changing … More Signature line