That Discerning Eye: Vision, Race, and the State in Modern Latin American Literature

This series of overlapping essays examines the articulation of race and the state as it appears in literary and cultural discourse in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Authors and works discussed include Brazilian authors Aluízio de Azevedo (O Mulato), Mário de Andrade (modernismo, canonicity and ethnography), Gilberto Freyre (Casa-Grande e Senzala and other writings), and … More That Discerning Eye: Vision, Race, and the State in Modern Latin American Literature

Mariano José de Larra

My class cannot read Larra and they are seniors. They cannot read him. The vocabulary is too esoteric, the sentences too long, the references too esoteric — but mostly the issue is, these articles are somewhat complex texts. Events are narrated and commented upon and the students would prefer that each artículo de costumbres were … More Mariano José de Larra


Doing what one wishes, what one thinks best, always gives the best results. I am not raised to even imagine doing this, but to choose the most interesting thing off a preapproved list or to choose, from the list, what is desired for me. I am still trying to learn to do as I see … More Minuit

The Ivor Situation

Vichy State University is so openly crooked it is hard to believe. Here is Raymond Seed in case you do not trust Van Heerden. Note that Voyiadjis and Dokka were elite professors. Bassiouni is retiring with honors and Ruffner has escaped to Georgia. By Jan. 5, 2006, less than five months after the deadly flooding … More The Ivor Situation

In which I take a great and scary risk, succeed, and improve although I am still unsettled, and exhausted, and worried since it is all I got done.

I spent today dealing with my honor society problem. I mean all day. Realizing I was going to say no, figuring out how, doing it, recovering from it. This is not efficient — especially because the reason I had as much difficulty was that I was so tired, and now I am more tired, and … More In which I take a great and scary risk, succeed, and improve although I am still unsettled, and exhausted, and worried since it is all I got done.


La cólera que quiebra al hombre en niños, que quiebra al niño, en pájaros iguales, y al pájaro, después en huevecillos; la cólera del pobre tiene un aceite contra dos vinagres. La cólera que al árbol quiebra en hojas, a la hoja en botones desiguales y al botón, en ranuras telescópicas; la cólera del pobre … More Explicar…


A book by Michael Hanchard has apparently now been listed in Brazil as one of the top 10 on racism, but he got into all this trouble there earlier because of it. He was really trashed by Brazilian scholars, that weak-minded lackey of the white elites Peter Fry, and the unsophisticated and supercilious pseudo-scholar Loïc Wacquant. John … More Hypothesis