Maestra. On left and right professors. Danzar al bel suon, raddoppiando l’armonia.

My classes are brilliant, you just do not know. Only today we were reviewing the precise differences between Hitler and Mussolini and their contributions, or not, to peronismo. We saw archival footage of the speech of 17 October 1945. Next we invited Poetry, with a capital P, into America along with Andrés Bello, and discussed … More Maestra. On left and right professors. Danzar al bel suon, raddoppiando l’armonia.

Here is a neoliberal speech on higher education by Barack Obama, in which he does not call for states to reinvest in higher education; insists universities cut costs further; and emphasizes the importance of the defense industry.

Read the sorry thing. Then read this smart critique. Via Historiann. Axé.

Cast iron pot

The combination of leeks, olive oil and orange juice is serving me well. I sauteed three sliced leeks in olive oil, in the cast iron Dutch oven my mother regrets having handed over to me. I had juiced three oranges and I added the juice to this, and stuffed the rinds into the cavity of … More Cast iron pot