
Black Warrior Review takes multiple submissions but some of the places I am interested in, do not. Slipstream does. I am looking at Beloit, which does not and which I like, and also Ibbetson Street, and other places around the Gulf because of some of my subject matter. I am not sure about Slant. In any case, I chose a multiple … More Submit

César Moro

Look here. Moro is yet another Peruvian poet with a problematic manuscript tradition, or at least edition tradition. I want this edition of La tortuga ecuestre but this store does not seem to mail internationally. Axé.

Une amie a dit

We have the responsibility to teach them how literary language is working, from simple literary examples, building onward to more complex texts. We have to teach them about what figurative language is, how it determines or opens semantic conditions; we have to teach them about accretion and resonance developing over time across sentences, paragraphs, pages. … More Une amie a dit


It is of course better than any of the alleged poems in that book I reviewed, but beyond that is it worthwhile to persons besides myself, je vous le demande. Heaven How many roads lead to Heaven? If you trip on the bridge, do you fall? Had some event marked her, did a single moment … More Revised

D’Angelo and the Vanguard

Real Love, from Black Messiah. That is new and you should really listen to the clip. There’s Voodoo, and you can listen to it all– and other albums, but I really think this Black Messiah would be the thing to have as you drove through the city, for instance. Axé.