Rudy Acuña

[Interviewer] You wrote: “In order to offset the lack of public funding, administrators have raised tuition with students becoming the primary consumers and debt-holders. Institutions have entered into research partnerships with industry shifting the pursuit of truth to the pursuit of profits.” To accelerate this “molting,” they have “hired a larger and larger number of short-term, part-time … More Rudy Acuña

Magical Hispanism

This connects to my magical realism posts. Someone has had an insight and given it a name: magical Hispanism. Here’s a bit more on it. And more. Magical hispanism, magical realism, and decolonial practices. Are they all part of the same thing? People looking for magic, looking for enchantment? Finding it, or imagining one has … More Magical Hispanism

Things I’ll do

1/ House: floor . . . and there are other things, but the floor is first. 2/ For the Chasqui article: Scenes of Subjection? I need to formulate all of this, and I could use it as an opportunity to talk about books for our alleged edited volume. 3/ Presses for our edited volume would … More Things I’ll do

How odd

Originally posted on At 2200 ft:
Rafael Barradas 1926 Suddenly not to want to write anything personal. After a few years of thinking, on the other hand, that writing academic prose was pointless. Now, working under the conditions imposed by the pandemic, academic articles seem like an act of heroism. These are my thoughts as I…