Nelson Osorio

“Crítica parasitaria, crítica autónoma. La primera prolonga de algún modo la noción pragmático-burguesa del arte, que en su versión más radical lo considera un artículo accesorio y complementario, valioso como fuente de disfrute y como adorno para el salón o la conversación “culta”. En esta perspectiva, la crítica es otra modalidad de esta conversación “culta”, … More Nelson Osorio

Wir gehen weiter

I feel better. It has to do with staying up as late as I want to and getting up as late, always working out, and having the right food. But mostly it has to do with remembering one is a person with rights. But I am looking at some curriculum vitae that list activities I … More Wir gehen weiter

Late spring

It has been beautiful. The Atchafalaya River has green trees in blue water, Lake Pontchartrain is piercing blue, and the weather has been so good, most days–dry sunlight and water. #OccupyHE Axé.

Et asteur

So I am ready, and going en ville, and I am awake. Maringouin feels tomblike and I feel apologetic about noticing this. So many desire it and cannot wait to get home. I, too, am grateful for it after visiting yet more desolate places but the fact remains that for me, arrival here is like … More Et asteur