Allons voir comment je vais y aller — updated (yet more) (and more)

Le plan: What is left: 316 syllabus TWEAK and tweak Moodle site, 202 syllabus TWEAK and both of its websites, arborist, door-maker, Gary, vita, two bureaucratic documents (teaching and administration), student papers. New next week: 462 lecture Monday, contact LASA people Monday, restart article writing Tuesday, continue article, LASA, LHA Wednesday, Thursday, Friday…and weekend, all the way up … More Allons voir comment je vais y aller — updated (yet more) (and more)

Don Quixote

I have an idea for a course on Spanish literature: books that talk about the book industry. Help me make the syllabus, yes? Meanwhile, everyone should reread the Quixote, for the language. Here is a piece of it. Sucedió, pues, que yendo por una calle alzó los ojos don Quijote y vio escrito sobre una … More Don Quixote


At the gym, I was watching television while rowing. On the show, the daughter told her mother, “I am so tired of you always expecting the worst of me!” And I realized that was it. There are so many factors. I love two-year-olds because I was adored at that age as well, but when I … More Insight

A schedule PROBLEM

Update 2: This schedule, even in its revised version, is punitive and I have been unable to work efficiently since I made it. Why is it not all right to just do as we did in college and graduate school, which was work at school as you would a job? Why are we exhorted to … More A schedule PROBLEM

La psychanalyse

Mais c’est si clair. I feel guilty and nervous about doing work because I know I will be interrupted as soon as I really start. It all had to do with the self serving agenda of others. “Your work is just play, and you will see that relatively soon. Your real role is to serve … More La psychanalyse

Miguel de Cervantes

“It appears to me,” said Don Quixote, “that translating from one language into another . . . is like gazing at a Flemish tapestry with the wrong side out: even though the figures are visible, they are full of threads that obscure the view and are not bright and smooth as when seen from the … More Miguel de Cervantes

Alan Mills

A great and new to me Guatemalan poet. Ricosabrosodeliciosoyexquisito. It is the tenth anniversary of my move to WordPress, and I have no readers left because weblogs are passé, but we will sing. lo escupo así pelado y sin pelos en la lengua, quién dijo miedo atrás de un palo, se los dejo ir así … More Alan Mills

A estas horas

Today I submitted an application for the PEN/Heim Translation Prize, in 18,000 words. Pachamama, Pallas Athena, Iansan, old father, all artificers, stand me now in good stead. Axé.