The menus for fall

The first day of Thanksgiving was made up of pork tenderloin, red cabbage, espinacas catalana, and corn and quinoa cake with hints of chocolate and lime. But a real Scandinavian holiday does not have just one dinner. Tomorrow we will have roast organic chicken with apples and prunes, more red cabbage, and orange squash. That … More The menus for fall

Musée du Louvre

Her father received a terminal diagnosis so she pointed out to him that now, not later, was the time to do anything he has wanted to do, while he still could. He said there was a large museum in a palace, in Paris, with beautiful paintings, and he would like to go. He is a … More Musée du Louvre

On grades

Here is a bell curve.  I could use it. I could also have: 20% W and F, 20% D, 20% C, 20% B, and 20% A. This would up my grades, and be nicer than a bell curve since more people would have A than F. Not that it will help you at all, but … More On grades

And then, the opposite kind of academic advice

There are also those inexperienced professors and otherwise unqualified individuals who insist that they know more than one does, and who require one repeat efforts already tried and failed, or re-run investigations which have already had clear results. I cannot count the number of times I have had some person saying to me, you must … More And then, the opposite kind of academic advice

Des fragments Cécilia

What was I thinking about when I wrote these things down? Manzano’s Autobiography of a Slave Solás’1981 Cecilia Sibylle Fischer’s 2005 introduction to Lane’s translation of Cecilia (I think it discusses the certificate of whiteness; in any case, I have this book); it also says other tings I like Lamore’s introduction to the 2004 Cátedra … More Des fragments Cécilia

The most amazing job ad ever

Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Professor of Liberal Arts (Open Rank) “The college seeks a candidate who is closely attentive to the artistry in a work of literature-its imagery, nuance, tone, ambiguity, and language-rather than to the work as a text for political or ideological polemic.” “Requirements: Publications in peer-reviewed journals of literature and/or … More The most amazing job ad ever