Fine Linens

Now that I have been paid, I will buy two standard shams of this type, spending $110. A lot of money, you say, but I run a miniature hotel and these shams hold up well for decades — in fact they become more, not less beautiful. I need another top sheet, too, as one of … More Fine Linens

La luz 4

Hidra absoluta es el amor, descansa carne y hueso, bajo la luz terrible del amanecer, más pura y recordada si más perdida en la silente novedad del cuerpo, sí más oscura el alma y más dormida su queja… Pertenezco a una época oscurantista, vana, por eso soy así, y porque los demonios me infundieron su … More La luz 4

El espejo paraguayo

Medio siglo de movimiento campesino, el principal movimiento antisistémico del Paraguay, muestra que no hay atajos que puedan sustituir el conflicto de clases. Que la presión internacional por sí sola no puede modificar la relación de fuerzas. Que hay varios tipos de derrotas. Que la derrota por represión no es tan destructiva como la institucionalización. … More El espejo paraguayo

On research

It does in fact take a great deal of total time, more if you do not do it every day because then time also has to go into remembering where you left off. That means you have to have peace of mind and some degree of physical comfort, and you cannot allow yourself to be … More On research

Plantation Nation

Our police are being given paramilitary training and powers that are completely out of line with their duty to serve and protect, but much more in keeping with a mission to subdue and suppress. That is only a small part of what the Northern Gaijin has to say in his important post, but it is … More Plantation Nation

Cine mexicano sobre el 1968 … and its relation to the present moment.

Here is Canoa, complete. Here is the first part of Rojo Amanecer, which may be the saddest film I have ever seen. People who think state terrorism might be all right sometimes, especially to keep them “safe,” should see this film as well. Here is some discussion of what went on at Tlatelolco on 2 … More Cine mexicano sobre el 1968 … and its relation to the present moment.

That Republican Look

The casual summer outfit for Republican and oilfield women involves red toenail polish, flip-flops, waxed legs from a tanning salon, shorts, and hair burnished to gold via highlighting. Is this the fashion in your region, or is it just here? Axé.

Vuelta de paseo

Asesinado por el cielo. Entre las formas que van hacia la sierpe y las formas que buscan el cristal, dejaré crecer mis cabellos. Con el arbol de muñones que no canta y el niño con el blanco rostro de huevo. Con los animalitos de cabeza rota y el agua harapienta de los pies secos. Con … More Vuelta de paseo