The Radical Spanish Empire: Petitions and the Creation of the New World

Read all about it, in this interview and this discussion. Points for my papers: Da Silva: postcolonialism and decoloniality reify Europe. This is my problem with her. Magical realism: what the postcolonialists see in it (the representation of views of colonizer and colonized at once, as though there were only two elements) fits Latin America … More The Radical Spanish Empire: Petitions and the Creation of the New World

Vallejo, the migrant

In addition to everything else, I must do AAUP business, but what I am doing is writing a piece about magical realism for my own pleasure and instruction. I read an old article by Cornejo Polar about migrant subjects and realized: THAT is also Vallejo’s kind of voice, speaking from everywhere (and not from a … More Vallejo, the migrant