Neoliberal or postmodern things, and the past of the present

It was in 1964 that the Supreme Court of the United States ruled to allow prisoners to sue on prison conditions. The nation-state cannot tolerate multi-ethnic populations, and this is why there is so much effort toward homogenization. Empires, on the other hand, are easily multi-ethnic. We are currently supposed to say that online courses … More Neoliberal or postmodern things, and the past of the present


Six Louisiana institutions are under AAUP censure right now, and one of them, LSU-BR, is under double censure. The investigations that lead to censure are expensive. This is why the national AAUP is depressed about us. No state has so many institutions under censure, and many have none. Louisiana is a small state with few … More The AAUP

Academic freedom

Academic freedom won’t survive if it is defended merely or mainly as a principle. It survives in and because of a bundle of values and practices—including ways of spending time and the pursuit of knowledge without preidentified end—that undergird the insti­tution. It is crucially important for administrators and faculty alike to understand how the shift … More Academic freedom